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文章出处:网络 作者:佚名 发布时间:2006-01-12 浏览次数:等待统计信息……


1 GB/T 6165-1985 高效空气过滤器性能试验方法 透过率和阻力 Methods for testing the performance of high efficiency particulate air filter--Penetration and resistance

2 GB/T 6166-1985 高效滤料性能试验方法 透过率和阻力 Methods for testing the performance of high efficiency filter media--Penetration and resistance

3 GB/T 6167.1-1985 尘埃粒子计数器性能试验方法 转换灵敏度 Methods for testing the performance of dust particle counter--Calibration for sizing particle

4 GB/T 6167.2-1985 尘埃粒子计数器性能试验方法 颗粒数浓度 Methods for testing the performance of dust particle counter--Particle concentration

5 GB/T 10410.1-1989 人工煤气组分气相色谱分析法 Analysis of manufactured gas composition by gas chromatography

6 GB/T 10410.2-1989 天然气常量组分气相色谱分析法 Analysis of natural gas normal composition by gas chromatography

7 GB/T 10410.3-1989 液化石油气组分气相色谱分析法 Analysis of liquefied petroleum gas composition by gas chromatography

8 GB/T 12205-1990 人工燃气主组分的化学分析方法 Chemical analysis method for main composition of manufactured fuel gas

9 GB/T 12206-1990 城市燃气热值测定方法 Method of testing for calorific value of gas in urban areas

10 GB/T 12207-1990 城市燃气相对密度测定方法 Method of testing for relative density of gas in urban area

11 GB/T 12208-1990 城市燃气中焦油和灰尘含量的测定方法 Determination of coal tar and dust of gas in urban area

12 GB/T 12209.1-1990 城市燃气中萘含量测定 苦味酸法 Determination of naphthalene of gas in urban area-Picric acid method

13 GB/T 12209.2-1990 城市燃气中萘含量测定 气相色谱法 Determination of naphthalene of gas in urban area-Gas chromatographic method

14 GB/T 12210-1990 城市燃气中氨含量测定 Determination for ammonia of gas in urban area

15 GB/T 12211-1990 城市燃气中硫化氢含量测定 Determination of hydrogen sulfide of gas in urban area

16 GB/T 13611-1992 城市燃气分类 Classification of town gas

17 GB 13612-1992 人工煤气 Manufactured gas

18 GB/T 13754-1992 采暖散热器散热量测定方法 Test method of thermal output of heat emittor

19 GB/T 14294-1993 组合式空调机组 Central-station air handling units

20 GB/T 14295-1993 空气过滤器 Air filter

21 GB/T 16803-1997 采暖、通风、空调、净化设备 术语 Equipment of heating, ventilating,air conditioning and air cleaning terminology

22 GB 17264-1998 永久气体气瓶充装站安全技术条件 Safety specification for filling station of permanent gas cylinders

23 GB 17265-1998 液化气体气瓶充装站安全技术条件 Safety specification for filling station of liquefied gas cylinders

24 GB 17266-1998 溶解乙炔气瓶充装站安全技术条件 Safety specification for filling station of dissolved acetylene cylinders

25 GB 17267-1998 液化石油气瓶充装站安全技术条件 Safety specification for filling station of liquetied petrofeum gas cylinders


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◎GB 7778-87 制冷剂编号

·洁 净 厂 房 设 计 规
·洁净厂房设计规范 GBJ